Welcome to WordPress Primer

TCDavis_with_cameraWant to learn the fundamentals of maintaining a WordPress website?  I invite you to visit my WordPress Primer at Teledavis.com.  (See the overhead menu tab on the front page.)

At Teledavis.com I explain how training a web team and using WordPress for your website software can help your organization maintain a timely, informative, and popular site long term.

In the series of blog posts called the WordPress Primer I will assume that all learners are starting from zero. Beginners will find short and easy-to-understand posts to take them from fundamental concepts and skills to more advanced ones.  While most posts will deal explicitly with WordPress, some will cover general computer literacy, because background knowledge is required to perform basic tasks on the internet.

If you’re interested in WordPress, or just want to learn how to speak Geek, please visit WordPress Primer, and leave comments or questions so that other learners can benefit.

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